As the world population grows, which is an irreversible process, so does the demand for energy. From year to year, the standard of living is improving, science is conquering new peaks of technological development, the digital industry is developing more and more, due to these environmental factors, the daily life of a modern man depends on the use of large amounts of energy. Numerous conferences on natural resource conservation are held in the world today. Leading international organizations are involved in the promotion of renewable energy, which implies its importance and the need for its introduction. As the Earth’s natural resources are depleted, the need to use alternative routes has come up on the agenda so that less harm is done to nature, and at the same time, the increased energy demand of the world’s population is stably met.
There are several types of renewable energy:
Water energy;
Wave energy;
Solar power;
Wind energy;
Geothermal energy;
Biomass energy.
The interest in renewable energies and the urgency of the topic are conditioned by the scale of the issue. It is not a problem of a separate country, the topic is global and comprehensive. Economic, political, environmental and social factors unite around a single consensus around the world, that natural resources need to be taken care of.
Georgia is responding to global challenges with its energy policy and is gradually launching the introduction of renewable energy sources. A presentation entitled “USAID Energy Future Program in Georgia” was held in Gori last week. The project is for five years and is worth 15.7 million USD. The program is supported by the US Government and aims to promote Georgia’s energy independence. According to the Minister of Economy, it is necessary for Georgia to develop its own, renewable energy sources – these are hydropower plants, wind and solar stations, as well as other new renewable energy technologies that are entering the country.
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